Saturday, May 21, 2011

Iris Van Herpen

The bigger, the bolder, the better?

As it states on her website, for Iris Van Herpen.. 'Normal rules don't apply'.

The other day I stumbled upon these creations by the innovative Dutch designer, and was amazed by the structures, shapes and complete individuality shown in the outfits she creates.
I love how she experiments with textures and shapes one would never normally associate with clothing, and because of this I see her designs as pieces of art rather than fashion.

My favourite is definitely the stunning outfit which I call 'The Water Splash', - not the most creative name but to me this is exactly what I see when I look at the silvery creation.

Absolutely breathtaking, Iris Van Herpen has managed to freeze frame and capture incredible moments in her completely original couture.

xox Alyce

1 comment:

Piia said...

Oh my gosh! Those pics are amazing. That last one is my ultimate faviourite.


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