Saturday, March 19, 2011

'The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up'

...For helping me reach my goal of 50 followers!!! I would just like to say a big thank you to all of you lovely people who have shown your support for me and my blog! When I saw the other day that there were now 50 of you, it really made my whole day!

  I put a lot of care and effort into every post and it's so  great to know that people are interested in what I have to say and are supporting me! Even those of you who just leave such kind comments. So, to all of you who have made me love making this little part of the big wide web my own; I'm so grateful and think you're all incredible!

(I'm thinking about hosting some competitions and give-aways once I reach the big '100 followers', so join now to make sure you won't miss out!)

The Wonderful Ones:
(Not all of my followers have blogs, so I've only included those I was able to find displayed on their profile) 

Erica On Fashion
I'm SyriousLY In Fashion

xox Alyce

P.S:  Exclusive post on the L'Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival COMING SOON!


L said...

aw thank you for the comment and add...i did just start but it's been a lot of work! more than i thought to have it look a certain way with decent content..glad you liked it!

Fairy said...

Just passed your blog and lovin' it. It's my pleasure to be your 68th follower! Also lovin' the white shoes I see on the pictures from L'Oréal. Very classy!

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